New Jersey recently received poor marks in a nationwide report that examined how each state addresses civil asset forfeiture. Although researchers praised New Jersey for recent legislation that increased forfeiture transparency, they also called on state lawmakers to make additional reforms, including the outright abolishment of civil forfeiture proceedings. Ultimately, this resulted in a “D”…
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How to Protect Yourself from Civil Forfeiture
In New Jersey, law enforcement is permitted to seize property that is related to or derived from a crime. Civil forfeiture is common in drug crime cases, weapons crime cases, racketeering cases, and white-collar crime cases. Property subject to civil forfeiture in New Jersey includes: Homes Vehicles Financial Accounts Businesses When the government wins in…
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New Jersey Is the 16th State to Require Convictions for Civil Forfeiture
New Jersey recently became the 16th state to provide some measure of protection to individuals against civil forfeiture. Civil forfeiture allows law enforcement authorities to confiscate a person’s property even if they never charge him or her with a crime. Under the new law, the authorities will have to secure a criminal conviction in order…
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New Jersey to Track Money and Property Seizures
New Jersey recently passed a law that requires comprehensive disclosure and transparency for the state’s civil asset forfeiture system. Under New Jersey’s civil forfeiture system, prosecutors and law enforcement authorities can use the civil courts to confiscate property that they believe is associated in some way with criminal activity. Under the law, county prosecutors must…
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